
PROCON ENGINEERING has the most innovative techniques in hydraulic design carrying out numerous actions in this field, thus solving a myriad of technical problems in works such as wastewater and industrial wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and sewerage networks.

Our services in this category include:

– Viability, feasibility and costs studies.
– Hydrological and Hydraulic Studies.
– Studies of environmental impact and landscape integration.
– Topographic survey.
– Conceptualization and preliminary draft.
– Procedures with organisms.

– Piping networks and collectors.
– Wastewatertreatment plants (WWTP).
– Industrial wastewater treatment plants.
– Pumping stations.
– As-Built Projects.
– 3d modeling.

Construction management
– Control and Supervision of the works.

– Maintenance and exploitation manual.
– Consumption and efficiency audits.