The main objective to be achieved with the implementation of the Integrated Quality System, PROCON NERIUM SLP is to meet the needs and expectations of customers, avoiding significant environmental impacts as much as possible and improve these aspects in a continued.
We achieve this by complying with the applicable regulatory and legal requirements, as well as those established by the regulations UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 y OHSAS 18001:2007.
It is necessary, therefore, that the management of Quality be understood, applied and updated at all levels of the Company.
Each employee or collaborator is responsible for the Quality of their own work as well as the correct environmental management of those aspects that concern their work.
It is a policy established in PROCON NERIUM S.L.P., to work according to the established Integrated Quality System. This is regularly documented and verified for its adequacy and effectiveness.
The final result is to guarantee the achievement of the following objectives:
Asegurando la satisfacción de los clientes mediante Planes de Calidad, Consecución de objetivos de Calidad, mediante el cumplimiento estricto de normas vigentes.
– Asegurando la consecución de los objetivos detallados en las diferentes programaciones establecidas.
– Adopting and implementing environmental management techniques in a systematic manner appropriate to our activity by establishing environmental objectives and goals
– Supporting environmental protection and pollution prevention in balance with the socioeconomic needs of the Company.
– Establishing a Safety and Health Management System at Work to ensure that the activities of the Company are consistent with the commitments assumed and known, understood and maintained at all levels of the Entity.
– Complying with all the legal dispositions that affect you in matters of Health and Safety at Work, as well as the additional requirements assumed voluntarily.
– Achieving a continuous improvement of the activities carried out, analyzing the problems that may arise, setting in motion the necessary mechanisms for its resolution and, in short, maintaining an efficient Safety and Health Management System at Work.
– Preventing, minimizing and, insofar as possible, eliminating the impacts, and risks of the activities, products or services before they have undesirable effects on Occupational Health and Safety, advancing in the knowledge of the effects or labor impacts to prevent or minimize them.
– Promoting the training and motivation of workers, both their own and those of others, subcontracted or not, as a mechanism to guarantee the improvement of the different processes carried out and the level of customer satisfaction. People are the most important value that guarantees our future.
– Within the framework of the Health and Safety at Work Management System, the determination that the conformity of the work to the contractual and normative requirements will always be supported by results and evidence.
– Adoption and implementation of occupational management techniques in a systematic manner, appropriate to our activity through the establishment of Objectives and Goals of Safety and Health at Work.
Management establishes the necessary measures to ensure that its Quality System, Environmental Management and SST Management:
– It is disseminated to all areas of the Company.
– It is understood, applied, reviewed and updated and is available to the public.
Management acquires the commitment to continuously improve providing all the material and human means necessary to comply with this policy.
The Quality Manager has the power to interrupt any process that violates the requirements of the Integrated Quality System.